GIS and Chorographic Views

Chorographies are often created from a culmination of views of the area depicted, with several angles or points of reference being used to create an image that may not have actually been visible from any one position. The Sandcastle team examined this idea of mixed views by using ArcGIS to place several chorographies into modern scans of the areas they depict, and then finding an angle and location that best matched the image depicted with the chorography. 

When the main chorographies the Sandcastle team worked on were imported into ArcGIS, they were paired with Cartesian maps to help align the objects depicted within the chorographies with real locations. The Cartesian maps would be laid flat on top of the modern location in a position where they best matched known landmarks, whereas the chorographies were converted into billboards and placed perpendicular to the surface from a location at which someone could theoretically see a view most highly resembling the chorography. At times, they were located in a place where the chorographer may have been able to achieve or a practical location from which they could have stood. At other times the chorographies were set floating high in the sky, revealing them to have been conjured from imagined, but still fairly accurate views. From their billboard positions, landmarks in the chorographies were then connected to modern landmarks in the GIS view, as depicted by the red lines. These views can be explored below.

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